Top Rated in The South Bay Area

Exterior Cleaning That Transforms Your Property!

We'll INSTANTLY Restore The Look Of Your Home!

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Top Rated Pressure Washing in San Jose CA

Restore your home or business to its original brilliance.

We Would Love To Help You!

At Braun & Sons, we started our pressure-washing journey with a simple goal: to transform the look and feel of homes and businesses in our community. Our founders, passionate about cleanliness and curb appeal, realized the significant impact a spotless exterior can have on property value and first impressions. With state-of-the-art equipment and eco-friendly solutions, we remove stubborn dirt, grime, and stains, restoring surfaces to their original glory. Our dedicated team prides itself on exceptional service, attention to detail, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Whether it’s a commercial space needing a fresh look or a home requiring a facelift, we enhance the quality and aesthetic of every property we touch, ensuring it looks its best. 

Licensed & Insured

Flexible Scheduling

Competitive Pricing

We're so glad you're here!
How Can We Best Serve You!?

Click Any Box To Learn More About Each Of Our Core Services

Pressure Washing

Our pressure-washing service revitalizes your property’s exterior, removing dirt, grime, mold, and stains to reveal its true beauty. Utilizing advanced equipment and eco-friendly cleaning solutions, we ensure thorough, safe, and efficient cleaning for surfaces like driveways, decks, siding, and more. Enjoy the benefits of enhanced curb appeal, increased property value, and a healthier environment with our professional touch. Click “learn more” to discover how we can transform your home or business.

House Washing

Our house-washing service provides a comprehensive clean for your home’s exterior, removing mold, mildew, algae, dirt, and stains to reveal a fresh, vibrant appearance. Using gentle, effective techniques and eco-friendly solutions, we safely clean all types of siding without causing damage. Enhance your home’s curb appeal, protect your investment, and create a healthier living environment for your family. Click “learn more” to see how our house-washing service can transform your home.

Roof Cleaning

Our roof washing service thoroughly cleans your roof, removing moss, algae, lichen, and debris to restore its original appearance and prevent damage. Using safe, effective cleaning methods and eco-friendly products, we ensure your roof stays in top condition without any harm. Enhance your home’s curb appeal, extend the life of your roof, and maintain a healthier environment. Click “learn more” to discover the transformative benefits of our roof washing service.

Window Cleaning

Our window cleaning service delivers sparkling, streak-free windows that brighten your home and improve its overall appearance. Using specialized tools and eco-friendly solutions, we thoroughly clean the exterior of your windows, ensuring a crystal-clear view. Enhance your home’s curb appeal, let in more natural light, and enjoy a spotless, professional finish. Click “learn more” to find out how our window cleaning service can make your windows shine.

Deck And Fence Cleaning

Our deck and fence pressure washing service rejuvenates your outdoor space, removing dirt, grime, and weathered stains to reveal its original beauty. With high-quality equipment and environmentally friendly cleaning solutions, we ensure thorough and safe cleaning without causing damage. Enhance the appearance of your deck and fence, prolong their lifespan, and create a welcoming outdoor environment for relaxing and entertaining. Click “learn more” to see how our service can transform your outdoor living area.

Solar Panel Cleaning

Our solar panel cleaning service optimizes the efficiency of your solar energy system by removing dust, dirt, and debris that can hinder performance. Using gentle, specialized cleaning techniques and eco-friendly products, we ensure your panels are spotless and operating at their peak. Maximize energy production, lower utility costs, and contribute to a greener environment with clean, maintained solar panels. Click “learn more” to explore how our service can enhance the performance and longevity of your solar investment.


Our pressure-washing service revitalizes your property’s exterior, removing dirt, grime, mold, and stains to reveal its true beauty. Utilizing advanced equipment and eco-friendly cleaning solutions, we ensure thorough, safe, and efficient cleaning for surfaces like driveways, decks, siding, and more. Enjoy the benefits of enhanced curb appeal, increased property value, and a healthier environment with our professional touch. Click “learn more” to discover how we can transform your home or business.

Pressure Washing


Our house-washing service provides a comprehensive clean for your home’s exterior, removing mold, mildew, algae, dirt, and stains to reveal a fresh, vibrant appearance. Using gentle, effective techniques and eco-friendly solutions, we safely clean all types of siding without causing damage. Enhance your home’s curb appeal, protect your investment, and create a healthier living environment for your family. Click “learn more” to see how our house-washing service can transform your home. 

House Washing


Our roof washing service thoroughly cleans your roof, removing moss, algae, lichen, and debris to restore its original appearance and prevent damage. Using safe, effective cleaning methods and eco-friendly products, we ensure your roof stays in top condition without any harm. Enhance your home’s curb appeal, extend the life of your roof, and maintain a healthier environment. Click “learn more” to discover the transformative benefits of our roof washing service.

Roof Cleaning


Our window cleaning service delivers sparkling, streak-free windows that brighten your home and improve its overall appearance. Using specialized tools and eco-friendly solutions, we thoroughly clean the exterior of your windows, ensuring a crystal-clear view. Enhance your home’s curb appeal, let in more natural light, and enjoy a spotless, professional finish. Click “learn more” to find out how our window cleaning service can make your windows shine.

Window Cleaning

Deck And Fence

Our deck and fence pressure washing service rejuvenates your outdoor space, removing dirt, grime, and weathered stains to reveal its original beauty. With high-quality equipment and environmentally friendly cleaning solutions, we ensure thorough and safe cleaning without causing damage. Enhance the appearance of your deck and fence, prolong their lifespan, and create a welcoming outdoor environment for relaxing and entertaining. Click “learn more” to see how our service can transform your outdoor living area.

Deck & Fence Cleaning

Solar Panel

Our solar panel cleaning service optimizes the efficiency of your solar energy system by removing dust, dirt, and debris that can hinder performance. Using gentle, specialized cleaning techniques and eco-friendly products, we ensure your panels are spotless and operating at their peak. Maximize energy production, lower utility costs, and contribute to a greener environment with clean, maintained solar panels. Click “learn more” to explore how our service can enhance the performance and longevity of your solar investment.

Solar Panel Cleaning
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Our Simple Three Step Process

Working with us is easy as...

Get A Fast Quote

Don’t waste your time. Get a quote today. It’s quick and easy. All we need is your name, email, address, phone number, and which service you are in need of. We’ll get back to within 24 hours.

Set A Schedule

We understand the importance of convenience. That's why we offer flexible scheduling options tailored to fit your calendar. Whether you need our services weekly, monthly, or on-demand, we work around your schedule to ensure minimal disruption and maximum satisfaction with every visit.

Sit Back & Relax

Relax as our expert team restores your place of business or residence to a state of cleanliness that invokes respect and prestige. We handle the hard work so you can enjoy the stunning results. Trust us to enhance your living or work environment while you unwind and take in the beauty of your refreshed surroundings.

We can restore your property instantly!

Scroll over any photo to see the dramatic results we can provide for your property!

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We Provide the highest quality
Pressure Washing
in The South Bay Area

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Frequently Asked Pressure Washing Questions

Got Questions? We've Got Answers

It depends on factors like local climate and environmental conditions. Generally, homes benefit from pressure washing once a year to remove dirt, mold, and grime, preserving the exterior and enhancing curb appeal.

Yes, our roof cleaning methods are safe and gentle on shingles. We use low-pressure washing techniques and eco-friendly solutions to effectively remove moss, algae, and debris without causing damage.

We take every precaution to avoid any damage to your property, this starts by having experienced and reliable staff. With every service we provide you with before and after photos so you can rest with ease. If on rare occasion something was damaged by our team, we are fully insured to restore your business and our reputation.

Deck and fence pressure washing restores their natural beauty by removing built-up dirt and stains. This not only improves their appearance but also helps prevent deterioration, extending their lifespan and enhancing outdoor enjoyment.

Clean solar panels operate more efficiently by maximizing sunlight absorption. Our cleaning service removes dirt, dust, and debris that can obstruct sunlight, ensuring optimal energy production and cost savings over time.

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